Advent candles are a part of Christian tradition that serve as a reminder that Jesus came as Light into our dark world. The first candle symbolizes hope and is called the “Prophet’s Candle.” The prophets of the Old Testament, especially Isaiah, waited in hope for the Messiah’s arrival. We are to maintain this same hope in our troubled world.
Celebrating Christ as the King. This day is often called ‘the Feast of Christ the King’. It is a feast day that celebrates the full authority of Christ as King and Lord of the universe.
The parable of the rich fool. Christians are not to devote our lives to gathering and accumulating wealth. What happens to all that wealth when we die? Second, we are not blessed by God when we hoard our wealth. We are blessed when we are a blessing in the lives of others. And, we are blessed when we build the Kingdom of God.
From a Christian perspective, the Beatitudes teach that believers are blessed even in hard times because they will receive eternity in heaven. Also, we are blessed for having honorable qualities such as being meek, righteous, merciful, pure, and peacemakers. The horrors of war are discussed.
Kingdom living vs worldly living. Can we follow the Lord's first and greatest commandment ourselves? Discover how humility and faith in Christ can help us follow the commandments.
Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God. Jesus draws the sharp distinction between the kingdom of the world, and the kingdom of God. Under Caesar, we have certain obligations that involve material things. Under Christ, we have other obligations that involve things eternal.
Why are so many Canadians using food banks? Learn how Christ fed the hungry, how he feeds our souls with truth and righteousness and how we can help the suffering.
In this Thanksgiving season, God teaches us to produce fruits for His kingdom by returning the harvest to Him.
Paul teaches us that Unity is not a feeling, but a verb, a choice or an action. It is being together as Christians despite our differences. This is the mindset of Jesus that we are to copy.
Why is God's gift of forgiveness so hard to accept? This sermon will help us understand how large our debt is to God and the importance of Christ's sacrifice to save us.