
Dear Friends in Christ, 

This year, both here at Melville, and more broadly within the national church, we are being encouraged to engage a different narrative, one of hope and possibility. I firmly believe that this narrative needs to come from a commitment to Christ-centred community connectedness. 

A unifying feature of the human experience is that we each crave connection, belonging, and meaning. While we might be tempted to linger and tell stories of declining numbers and things which aren’t “as they used to be” in the church, the truth is that in a world that often feels divided and isolated, the church continues to stand as a unique place of community and connection. It is here that we are invited to be part of something greater than ourselves – a community united by faith. As Christ-followers, staying connected within our church community isn’t just a “nice-to-have”; it’s essential to our spiritual growth and well-being.

The Bible shows us time and again the importance of community. In Acts, we read that the early church gathered regularly, sharing in teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer. These early Christians understood that their strength came from their connection to each other, not just as individuals, but as a collective body of believers. In a busy, diverse, and ever-changing world (yes, even 2000 years ago it could be described this way), they gathered to be reminded that they didn’t journey alone – they walked together, supporting and encouraging one another in faith. 

Being connected is about more than just having shared experiences in parallel, it’s about sharing those experiences together. In community, we find support, encouragement, and love as we share in each others’ burdens and struggles as well as each others’ joys and successes. Whether it’s through a word of encouragement, a shared prayer, or the profoundly important knowledge that we are seen, heard, and welcome, being part of a community of faith is essential as we travel on our individual faith journeys. 

Community is where we find belonging. It’s where we can be our true selves and extend that same care to others, reflecting Christ’s love in tangible ways. It is the place where those new to the faith (both young and old) learn what looks like to live and to love as one whose life has been transformed by the Good News of the Gospel. Jesus himself modelled the importance of community by gathering a group of disciples around Him, sharing life, teaching, and ministry. Our faith is meant to be lived out in connection with others.

If you’ve ridden public transit lately, you will know that just because we share space, doesn’t mean we’re a community. There are countless ways to tune out the world around us and simply focus on ourselves, even when we are surrounded by other people. Community doesn’t just happen by chance. It requires intentionality. We build community by showing up, participating in church life, and reaching out both to each other and to the wider community. Whether it’s through small group gatherings, fellowship events, or simply spending time together outside of Sunday Worship, every connection we make strengthens the fibre of who we are as a church family.

As we move into the fall and continue together on our journey of faith, let’s recommit ourselves to staying connected. Let’s look for where God is leading us to tell new stories of Hope and Possibility as we seek to deepen our faith and experience God’s love in community. If you’ve been feeling a bit disconnected lately, I encourage you to reach out, reconnect, and maybe even step outside your usual routine or comfort zone. 

I can’t wait to see and hear the many ways that God is moving in our midst here in our community of faith at Melville, and in the communities we have been called to serve.

— Rev. Bethany McCaffrey

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