We are grateful to all who continue to support Melville’s ongoing ministry during this time of physical distancing when we are unable to be together.
If you would like to contribute financially to the life and ministry of the church or support our mission partners, there are several options available to you:
- Offering Envelopes may still be mailed to the church (cheques only, please, no cash)
- E-Transfer. Please contact the church office to find out how to contribute via e-transfer.
- To donate by credit card, please CLICK HERE TO ACCESS OUR CANADA HELPS PAGE. Please note that Canada Helps issues receipts directly to your email, donations made this way will not appear on your annual tax receipt from Melville.
- PAR (Pre-Authorized-Remittance) If you would like to sign up for our PAR program to contribute directly from your bank account on a monthly basis (20th of each month), please contact the church office and we will help you get started.
Would you like to support any of our Mission Partners Directly during this difficult time? We’ve linked their Canada Helps Contribution Pages Below:
Scarborough Food Bank (Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities)
5n2 Kitchens (home food delivery to those in need)
Evangel Hall (Downtown Shelter and Drop-In)
La Maison (Local Women’s Shelter)
If the mission you are looking for is not listed, you can search for it on Canada Helps or contact us and we will do our best to assist you. If you would like to learn more about these organizations or to contribute in other ways, please visit their websites to find out more.
Understanding Melville Offering Funds
- General Fund – This supports the ongoing ministry of the local church (programs and worship) including our day-to-day expenses related to the building and staff. If you do not indicate otherwise, all contributions are distributed within this fund.
- Missions/Presbyterians Sharing – This is two funds and unless you indicate otherwise, any contributions with this designation are shared equally between the two. Melville Missions supports our mission partners in local, national, and international ministries and is supplemented with interest from our Memorial Fund on an annual basis. Presbyterians Sharing is the national church fund that supports the mission and ministries we do together and around the world. This includes a wide range of ministries from encouraging and equipping congregational renewal and development, to supporting inner-city, native, refugee, urban, remote and chaplaincy ministries in Canada, to sending mission personnel to work with international partners.
- Melville Memorial Fund – The Memorial Fund is an invested fund from which interest is withdrawn annually in support of Melville Missions. Contributions to this fund are frequently designated in memory of loved ones.