In this world of turmoil and changing standards, we learn from scripture how God is in control and He does not change. As Christians, we know that Jesus is God and we can trust Him in all we do.
This sermon explains the different types of giving to the Lord. Find out how the Old and New Testaments describe our giving of time, expertise, love, money and resources.
Wisdom is rooted in humility and fear of the Lord. The opposite of pride is humility - an attribute that God wants us to have. The Psalms teach us how to relate to God. The Proverbs teach us how to relate to one another.
Understanding Proverbs - Week 2 of 3. How does wisdom relate to honesty and integrity? We are all bombarded with information daily. Proverbs tells us how to find discerning truth from Biblical standards in the confusing world we live in.
Understanding Proverbs - Week 1 of 3. The Bible has 3 wisdom books - Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes. The many sides of wisdom to live faithful and righteous lives are presented in this sermon on Proverbs.
If you trust your salvation to Christ, how do you display your Hope in Him? Find out how to tell others about your gift of salvation by trusting Jesus, and how to share this hope. Others will see our joy in loving the Lord.
In this gospel lesson, we learn the darkness of human nature is to run from God's light. However if we seek God then His love will help us love others, even though we sometimes don't understand them.
The disciples and Jesus are in a small boat when a storm approaches. Jesus commands the waters to be still demonstrating that as God, nature obeys His commands. Through this Christ teaches us to trust Him and to not fear as He is in control.
The apology to the Indigenous peoples of Canada from the Presbyterian Church in Canada for its complicity in colonization and the residential school system.
In Mark's gospel, we learn that God uses small things to further His kingdom. The parable of the mustard seed teaches us that the Kingdom of Heaven may start small, but it will grow and expand immensely, providing refuge and sustenance to many, much like the mustard seed that grows into a tall, strong tree.