Investigating why the Pharisees and Sadducees had a different understanding of Christ's resurrection. Christians are a resurrection people. Reverend McCaffrey discusses how the resurrection restores the life we were created for.
The story of Zacchaeus the rich Chief Tax Collector. He had everything - riches and power, yet he had nothing. See how he was transformed when he wanted to find out more about who Jesus really was. Seeing Jesus for who He is, gave Zacchaeus a glimpse into how God created us.
Exploring our wants and our Christian responsibilities. Learning that in our weakness, God will multiply his provisions. How wonderful is it to trust God for everything.
Jacob wrestles with God. Then 7 years of hard work to marry Rachel and that didn't work out as Leah was chosen. Then another 7 years of hard work to finally marry Rachel. Explore how God teaches us to not lose heart in our daily struggles.
Discovering Nicodemus the Pharisee who didn't understand how to be born again. Jesus teaches him it is to be born from above and not a physical rebirth.
Exploring how God wants everyone to rejoice at the return of just one. Ordination of our new church elders. Westminster Confession of Faith.
A new perspective on the prodigal son. Discover how the second son and father reacted to the return of the first son.
Exploring the greatest commandments. Love the Lord your God, and your neighbour.
Week 4 exploring the Apostles Creed. What is the (universal) catholic church? How does it relate to modern life? Why do we go to church? Discover profound truths.
Communion service. Exploring the table of plenty.