Christian community described in this sermon as unity over uniformity. When one suffers, we all suffer. When one rejoices, we all rejoice.
Understanding mental health issues in the safety of the church family. Daniel Whitehead, CEO, Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries presents a video explaining their mission to help people struggling with mental health issues.
God wants us to just grow up. Learn how to be with other believers from different parts of the world with different ways to worship. This is how God calls us to maturity as a single Body of Christ as we walk through life with Him.
God tells us all through His scripture to love one another as you love yourself. Find out what this means in 2024 and how the Lord's instructions never change.
God created the heavens, the earth and man and woman as documented in the Old Testament book of Genesis. He created us to live a significant life in community - with Him and others. Find out who you are, and why you were created in this insightful sermon.
Remembering the children hurt in residential schools. What is the Christian response to past hurts? The answer is in Romans where we learn our debt to God is to love one another. Please pray for modern day healing for past hurts.
Acts 27 records the journey of Paul from Caesarea to Rome and how they were stranded for a time in Malta. All told, Paul's missionary journeys took him over 10,000 miles and lasted around nine years. His commitment to the gospel helped spread Christ's message throughout the near east. His dedication is a model of a life of faith even through storms.
Learn how the Presbyterian Church in Canada ordains Elders. The sermon also explains the ministry of Ruling Elders within the church.
Wisdom is rooted in humility and fear of the Lord. The opposite of pride is humility - an attribute that God wants us to have. The Psalms teach us how to relate to God. The Proverbs teach us how to relate to one another.
Understanding Proverbs - Week 2 of 3. How does wisdom relate to honesty and integrity? We are all bombarded with information daily. Proverbs tells us how to find discerning truth from Biblical standards in the confusing world we live in.